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You’ve Got Good News

Published on July 30, 2022

“I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.” Psalm 22:22

There is beauty and power that comes with sharing the story of how you came to Christ.

But there was a time in my life when I was afraid to share my testimony.

Sharing the intimate details of my former sins and brokenness had, in my experience, left me vulnerable to rejection, condemnation, and fear. I was fearful that people would judge me based on my past instead of seeing me as the woman I am today.

That is, until I realized the beauty and power that comes with sharing my story.

A testimony is a dual-purposed opportunity every believer has been given to honor the Lord by:

  • Bearing witness to others about the great work He has done in your life, and;
  • Sharing the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, with those who don’t know him.

The entire Bible is filled with examples of those who shared their testimony. In the Old Testament, King David often cried out to the Lord, asking for deliverance. And in return, he continually promised to tell others of God’s goodness and salvation.

In the New Testament, Paul spoke of his conversion and how God had called him from a life of sin into a life of serving Christ. As a result of Paul’s testimony, thousands of people gave their lives to Christ.

Revelation 12:11 says, “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Never be afraid or ashamed to share your story with those who need to hear it because you’ve got good news! Your story is a wonderful display of Jesus’ miracle of giving new life and redemption.

Lord, we thank and praise you for what you have done in our lives. Because of Jesus, we never have to be ashamed of our past and we are free to tell of your goodness and the power of salvation. Lord, give us the strength, courage, and grace to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who need you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Have you ever written out your testimony? If not, take time to reflect on how you came to know Christ. If you’ve already done that, ask God to highlight people in your life that need to hear the gospel through your story!

By Marsha Pope
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  PRINT this Gospel Presentation (How to Know God Personally) and share it with your non-Christian

•   30 Day Guide for New Believers

•   Now that I am a Christian, What’s Next? – Printable PDF file

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