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Hand Picked

Published on February 8, 2016

“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit…” John 15:16a (NLT)

Why me Lord? Have you ever asked this question? I have. We look for reasons why we need to be excused from our assignments, or daunting trials, only to hear; Why not you? Moses, Gideon, Esther, Mary, Peter, among many others were chosen by God to do great exploits; so have you and I. We have been handpicked, chosen by the hand of the Father for greatness.

God has predestined each of us to change the world around us with the gifts and talents we possess. You may not do it just like everyone else, but you will make an impact if you follow His plan and purposes for your life. God chose you because He knew you had what it took to get the job done. He knew you had the fortitude and the stamina to keep going, even when times were hard.

Yes, the Lord knew you were not perfect. He knew you would falter and make mistakes, but He still chose you. He handpicked you to carry out His will for your life. If He wanted someone else he would have chosen them. On that note, stop trying to get someone else to birth out what God has given your hands to do. Always remember, whatever God starts, He will finish.

Lord, thank you for seeing the best in us, even when we cannot. Amen.

By Mary Pinckney
used by permission

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