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Letting Go

Published on September 21, 2020

Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].”
Proverbs 16:3 (AMP)

Self-effort has been one of my greatest struggles — I have always been wrapped up in my performance. Everything had to be done to the point of perfection. In my mind, being perfect was the only way for people to like me and accept me. I didn’t feel valued otherwise. Sadly, this is a trap that many people find themselves in.

Upon accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I learned I could be content resting in His love for me, and I could rely on His grace in my times of weaknesses. It is through His empowerment that I could face any challenge that arises daily.

Do I always get it all right? No, absolutely not. I still get a big head at times, but the gentle nudges from the Holy Spirit often help to bring me back to reality. He reminds me that self-reliance is an enemy to God — it’s where pride begins. And I never want to take God’s place in my own life.

Are you struggling with letting go of the reigns in your own life today? I encourage you to commit your ways to Him. When you begin to trust yourself to His unfailing love, you will find that He will never let you down. You may not always agree with the way He does everything, but you can trust His heart towards us. His plan is to do you good and not evil and to give you an expected end.

Father, we take so much pride in doing what we know is best. We get lost in our own ability and neglect the help You have freely given. Teach us to value Your grace in our everyday life. Teach us to recognize the grace You have given us to accomplish what You have called us to. I pray that every day we will commit our works to You so that You will establish our thoughts. May our eyes be open to the countless rewards that await us when we do it Your way and not our own. In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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