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It’s Working for Your Good

Published on October 28, 2018

“I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.”  Habakkuk 2:1 (NLT)

I wrote a piece a few years back called “Look Again.” This phrase has been popping up in my spirit again lately.  Many of you have been facing challenges in your life, business, ministry and/or relationships, etc. Even in the midst of these challenges you have lost sight of who you are and what you have to offer. God has been prompting you to go forward with what He has placed on your heart. Fear has set in and hindered your forward progress because your eyes have been on what happened in the past.  No longer look to the past God is saying, behold I will do a new thing.  At this point and time, God is looking for your obedience.

Many have gotten sidetracked by the hardships that you are facing. The enemy’s plan was to blindside you to keep you from seeing the true picture.  I say to you today, look again. God is at work even in the challenges. I once heard a preacher say, that trouble often comes to hide the blessings.  If you take your eyes off the situation long enough you will begin to see that all things are beginning to work together for your good.

I am reminded of the eagle. When the eagle is entering a storm its wings begin to lock down and the eagle begins to soar to new altitudes.  It rises above the storm. This is the posture we need to have in the midst of the storms of life.  When we take time to pray and worship our Heavenly Father, our perspective changes. Our focus becomes more in tune to His will and His ways. We begin to lose sight of what we considered obstacles and begin to see solutions.

Today, I encourage you to take your rightful place. Position yourself back in a place of warfare through prayer, worship and return your focus to the promises of God.  As you do, I guarantee you if you look again, you will begin to see through the lens of your Heavenly Father. The situations you thought where hopeless will no longer look the same. When we look through His eyes we begin to see possibilities.

God, thank you for opening the eyes of our understanding and allowing us to see what You see;  our focus is often on what is right before us.  When we are challenged we lose sight of Your promises. Today, help us to stay focused and in tune with You at all times. Help us, I pray to understand that every obstacle we face, You are able to work it all out for our good. Nothing is ever lost when You are at work in our lives. It’s in Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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