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You Want To Quit?

Published on September 24, 2023

“The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life large with strength.” Psalm 138:3 (MSG)

Quit giving up on yourself before you get started. You are already victorious!

Quit counting yourself out. You are stronger than you think!

Quit selling yourself short. You are more than a conqueror!

Quit trying to take shortcuts. You are so worth the effort!

Quit feeling sorry for yourself.  You have what it takes! It takes you believing in yourself.

At any time now, you can throw in the towel. However, my encouragement to you today is this; give yourself a chance to get it right.

Lord, today I recognize my own ability to sabotage the work that you have begun in me. Grant me the grace to continue holding on, even when times get tough. Grant me the wisdom to know what to do at those very moments of insecurity. Grant me focus I need to help me stay on task. Most of all, grant me the love and the support I need to stay encouraged along the way. In Jesus name, Amen

Grace and Peace to you,

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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