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God’s Protection

Published on August 5, 2019

Can you look back over your life and see instances of God’s protection? My junior year of college I was fascinated by a movement of Christians. Some of my friends decided to spend the summer at the movement’s largest church and be discipled. When I tried to do the same every door closed. A second opportunity surfaced, which was spending the summer in Brazil. In this case every door swung open. Decades later I saw how God protected me. The movement became a dangerous and oppressive cult. The time in Brazil introduced me to grace—freeing and joyful.

And you? Did God keep you from a bad relationship? Or protect you from the wrong job? In 2 Thessalonians 3:3 Paul promises,

He will strengthen and protect you.

And Psalm 91:11 reminds us,

He will command his angels to guard you.”

God protects you with a cloak of love!

By Max Lucado
From A Love Worth Giving

Used by permission

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