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God’s Ways are Right

Published on July 1, 2023

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you.”  Isaiah 43:2-3 (NASB )

God knows what is best.

No struggle will come your way apart from his purpose, presence, and permission.  What encouragement this brings!  You are never the victim of nature or the prey of fate.  Chance is eliminated.  You are more than a weather vane whipped about by the winds of fortune.  Would God truly abandon you to the whims of drug-crazed thieves, greedy corporate raiders, or evil leaders?  Perish the thought!

We live beneath the protective palm of a sovereign King who superintends every circumstance of our lives and delights in doing us good.

Nothing comes your way that has not first passed through the filter of his love.

By Max Lucado
Used by Permission
From: Everyday Blessings

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Further Reading

•  Pressing Your Reset Button

•  When Life isn’t Fair

•  Salvation Explained


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