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God Will Lighten Your Load

Published on April 23, 2022

If we let him, God will lighten our loads. Why don’t you try travelling light? Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.  Try it! Try it for the sake of those you love. How do you embrace someone if your arms are full of bags? For the sake of those you love, learn to set them down.

And for the sake of the God you serve, do the same. God has a great race for you to run. But you have to drop some stuff. How can you share grace if you’re full of guilt? How can you offer comfort if you’re disheartened? God is saying, “Set it down, child. I’ll carry that one.” What do you say we take God up on his wonderful offer? We just might find ourselves travelling a little lighter.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission
From: Travelling Light

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