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Our Sure God

Published on November 10, 2021

Our moods may shift, but God’s doesn’t.  Our minds may change, but God’s doesn’t.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”  Psalm 23:6 (NKJV)

Look at the first word: surely. David didn’t say, “Maybe goodness and mercy shall follow me.”  Or “Possibly goodness and mercy shall follow me.” Or “I have a hunch that goodness and mercy shall follow me.”  David could have used one of those phrases. But he didn’t.  He believed in a sure God, who makes sure promises and provides a sure foundation.  David would have loved the words of one his great-great-grandsons, the apostle James.  He described God as the one “with whom there is never the slightest variation or shadow of inconsistency.” James 1:17 (Phillips).

Our moods may shift, but God’s doesn’t.  Our minds may change, but God’s doesn’t.  Our devotion may falter, but God’s never does.  Even if we are faithless, he is faithful, for he cannot betray himself (2 Timothy 2:13).  He is a sure God.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

from: Grace for the Moment

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Further Reading

•  Understanding the Holy Spirit
•   God Is…
•  Salvation Explained

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