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The Good Shepherd

Published on March 21, 2021

If the Gospels teach us anything, they teach us that Jesus is a Good Shepherd. In John 10:11, Jesus announces,

“The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”

Didn’t Jesus spread the oil of prevention on his disciples? He prayed for them. He equipped them. He revealed to them the secrets of the parables. He calmed their fears. Because he was a good shepherd, he protected them…and protected them against disappointments.

Jesus tends to his sheep. And he will tend to you. Go to him. Others may guide us to God. Others may help us understand God. But no one can do the work of God, for only God can heal. Psalm 147:3 promises God “heals the brokenhearted.” Your first step? Go to God. Then bow before God. Trust in Him. Go. Bow. Trust! Worth a try, don’t you think?

By Max Lucado
From: Travelling Light
To learn more about Max Lucado visit his website at:

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•  The Lord is My Shepherd
•  God, our Shield

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