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Worry Stoppers to Bring Peace

Published on January 17, 2024

Here are eight worry-stoppers, found in the letters of the word P-E-A-C-E-F-U-L.

Pray, first.  “Casting the whole of your care upon Him …”

Easy, now.  “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”

Act on it.  Be a doer, not a stewer.

Compile a worry list.  Keep a list of things that trouble you.  How many have turned into a reality?

Evaluate your worry categories.  Pray specifically about them.

Focus on today.  God meets daily needs daily.

Unleash a worry army.  Ask a few loved ones to pray with you and for you.

Let God be enough. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else.”

Eight steps. P-E-A-C-E-F-U-L.

By Max Lucado
Read more Fearless
Used by Permission

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Do Not Worry – by Phil Ware

• Why Worry Yourself Sick? – by Dr. Muriel Larson

Trading Worry for Peace – by Charles Stanley