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Your Heart, His Home

Published on March 22, 2020

The crowning attribute of Christ was this: his heart was spiritual. His thoughts reflected his intimate relationship with the Father. Our hearts seem so far from his. He is pure; we’re greedy. He is peaceful; we’re hassled. He is purposeful; we’re distracted. He is pleasant; we’re cranky. The distance between our hearts and his seems so immense! How could we ever hope to have the heart of Jesus?

Ready for a surprise? You already do. One of the supreme yet unrealized promises of God is simply this: if you’ve given your life to Jesus, Jesus has given himself to you. He has made your heart his home. It would be hard to say it any more succinctly than Paul does in Galatians 2:20, “Christ lives in me.”

God is willing to change us into the likeness of the Savior. Shall we accept his offer?

By Max Lucado
From: Just Like Jesus

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