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Thought Prevention

Published on February 13, 2018

We are not a victim of our thoughts. We have a vote. We have a voice. We can exercise thought prevention!

Don’t talk to me,” we say. “I’m in a bad mood.” As if a mood were a place to which we were assigned, rather than an emotion we permit. Or we say, “Don’t mess with her. She has a bad disposition.” Is a bad disposition something we have like a cold or the flu? Or do we have a choice? Paul says we do.  In 2 Corinthians 10:5 he says, “We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.

Capture every thought—you get the impression we’re the soldiers and the thoughts are our enemies. The minute they appear we go into action.

 Selfishness, step back!
Envy, get lost!
  Find another home,
Anger…you aren’t allowed on this turf! 

Capturing thoughts is serious business! But, you can do it!

By Max Lucado
From: Max on Life
Used by permission
To learn more about Max Lucado visit his website at:

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