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Wandering Desires

Published on November 9, 2020

“Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit” Ecclesiastes 6:9 (KJV)

Is your heart prone to wandering?

King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 6:9:Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit.” At the time the king wrote this passage, he had come to the conclusion that life was meaningless. Although he had essentially everything anyone could want — wealth, relationships, a beautiful home — he still found himself disturbingly discouraged and depressed with life.

Many of us might relate and even agree with how the king felt. You, too, might feel bored or even depressed about how your life is going. Maybe you’ve been waiting for a better job. Maybe you’re fed up with financial strain. Maybe you’re tired of being single. Maybe you’re looking at others’ lives and comparing them to your own.

When we go deeper into his words, however, we find that he’s saying it’s better for us to hold on to what we have than to desire something we don’t or may never have. When we are prone to wandering, we grow uneasy with our present circumstances. This affects our overall joy and satisfaction. Wandering desires always produce crossed and disappointed feelings, leaving us with a downcast and vexed spirit.

Therefore, let us fix our eyes upon God. By keeping our gaze heavenward, our soul can truly rest in him. We can learn to be content in the present season, trusting that whatever lies ahead is far better than what we leave behind.

Heavenly Father, it’s so easy for me to get distracted by all the things I don’t have and start wandering! Please remind me today that you alone are enough and I can find complete contentment in you. 

Today,  thank God often for the many blessings surrounding you, rejoicing in his unfailing love.

By McKenna Vietti
Used by Permission

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