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Living on Autopilot

Published on June 10, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning”. Lamentations 3:22 & 23 (The Message)

The alarm rang at 3:00 a.m. As one of my friends is fond of saying, “Even angels aren’t awake that early!” My husband had an early morning cross country flight and I was the designated airport driver so the lights in our bedroom flicked on while our neighbors comfortably slept.

We travel frequently so there is a well-rehearsed rhythm: suitcases were packed the night before and placed by the door, travel clothes laid out, juice already poured and waiting in the refrigerator. We made the airport run, shared the goodbye kiss and my husband entered the terminal. I drove home thinking the whole way of slipping back under the fluffy bed covers for another two hours’ sleep.

But after a long time of restless tossing, I finally gave in and got up—definitely not refreshed, but at least up. I went through the day’s activities and even accomplished much, but it seemed as though I was on autopilot, operating merely out of habit, without zest, initiative or energy.

Unfortunately this is also a picture of a too-frequent spiritual state. When we go too long without refreshment from God such as quietly sitting in his presence, slowly and thoughtfully reading His Word, speaking to and listening for Him in prayer, we live spiritually on autopilot, out of habit. We live without zest, initiative or energy.

Sufficient sleep the next night brought amazing renewal, but too many nights without such refreshment would prove physically disastrous. Similarly, too long without sufficient spiritual refreshment will wreak havoc in our spiritual lives. We need to daily taste of God’s love which is “new every morning.”

Father, thank you for the vitality you bring to my life when we spend time together.

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