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God’s Power to Change

Published on October 25, 2009

By Marilyn Ehle

“Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give…â€? Hebrews 4:15 (The Message)

Discouraged woman“He takes the reality of nightmares and makes them only memories.� That statement (author/source unknown) echoed in my head as I listened to Linda share the story of her experience and loss. Just short of celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, her husband died in a mountain climbing accident. The event rocked Linda’s world and—for a brief time—even her faith. How could a loving God allow a much-loved father and husband, a man with faith visible in the business community die in the prime of his life?

In a strange, yet familiar, way, Linda chose to hold on to her breaking heart even though submitting to His will. She refused to let go of her grief, telling God it was the one thing she had left. It was hers.

Finally in the stillness of a retreat afternoon, she sobbed her grief and handed her broken heart to the only One whose heart broke in a similar way. Her Heavenly Father knew what it was like to lose a part of Himself. He knew what it was like to stand aside—apparently powerless—while evil seemed to reign. He alone could begin the mending process—but only with Linda’s permission.

Linda’s heart has been scarred by the very real nightmare of sudden death, but her memories have been cradled in the loving arms of her Father and healing continues to take place. She has entered into areas of service—both in her own country and around the world—that she never imagined. Her walk with God has taken on intimacy she never thought possible. Nightmares have been changed into blessed memories.

Precious Father, how often I hang on to my sadness or disappointment or grief instead of handing everything over to you. Teach me to more quickly give you everything.

What have you been holding on to? Why? What do you need to learn about God that will help you relinquish everything to Him?

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