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Are My Hands His Hands?

Published on February 27, 2010

By Marilyn Ehle

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance”.  Matthew 3:8

It’s cold today in Colorado; the high temperature is predicted to be only six degrees F. There is a chill even here in our cozy home where I am surrounded by the effects of a functioning furnace and a cup of hot tea. But I was brought up short this morning while reading these words of St. Teresa of Avila:

Christ has no body now on earth but yours;
No hands but yours;
No feet but yours…
Yours are the feet
With which He is to go about
Doing good;
Yours are the hands
With which He is to bless now.

Are my hands doing all they can to meet the needs of those shivering in today’s cold? Could God be leading me to do more than give my bag of groceries monthly to the agency which feeds and clothes the urban poor? Does He want me to do more than pray?

John the Baptist cried out, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance”. Perhaps he is speaking to me.

“Father, thank you for all you provide for me, but help me be sensitive to the needs of those with so much less. Help me not only hear your words but take action so that I literally use my hands and feet and resources in your name”.

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