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Living in the Today

Published on August 13, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

THIS is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

Oswald Chamber said it first (and best!): “Never live on memories; let the Word of God always be living and active in you.”* Nothing shuts the ears of younger people faster than when they hear, “Back in my day,” or “Those were the good old days.

My husband’s white-haired grandmother once astounded a small group when she declared with wonder, “Look what I just found in the Bible!” This woman had walked with Christ many years, enduring economic and emotional hardship by the sustaining hand of God. But what most excited her was not a blessing from the past, but fresh knowledge and understanding discovered today.

God is in the business of always providing the fresh and new in our lives. He announced to the prophet Isaiah, “See, I am doing a new thing!” And Jeremiah heard that God’s compassion’s are “new every morning.” In the middle of personal and national disaster, Ezekiel was promised that God would provide “a new heart and a new spirit.”

We rejoice in past blessings and share them in order to encourage others, but every day should be a day of new discoveries about our limitless God.

As I get older, Lord, there is such a human tendency to dwell in the past. Remind me to look for your fresh work each new day.

Oswald Chambers: *My Utmost for His Highest

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