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A New Family Tree

Published on November 24, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

My husband recently spent hours researching his family tree. He discovered ancestors’ birthplaces, previously unknown relatives, and even pictures that served to assure that Cousin Fred and Great Uncle Matthew were definitely related: “they have the same ears!”

Several years ago I was able to contact family members I never knew existed. In addition to the sharing of stories, I discovered that many males in the family in former generations had fallen victim to the same serious disease. There were too many occurrences to ignore as mere coincidence; heredity was definitely playing a part. While there is nothing I can do to eradicate this tendency, I and my current family can do everything possible to change our diets and otherwise lead healthy lives.

How different is God’s “family tree.” When an individual receives Christ as personal Savior, the old has gone, the new has come.” There are residual effects from the old family, but through grace-filled adoption and the process of the Holy Spirit’s transforming work, we have new life. In essence we have received new spiritual “genes.” We even increasingly resemble our Father God and Brother Christ!

The great marvel of Jesus Christ’s salvation is that He alters heredity.” (Oswald Chambers)

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