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Swimming to the Savior

Published on March 27, 2012

by Marilyn Ehle

When Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put his coat on and threw himself into the seaJohn 21:7

daily devotions onlineImpetuous, wonderful, daring, loving, repentant Simon Peter is determined not to miss this meeting with his risen Lord. He quickly dons his coat and plunges into the water. The distance to the shore with its charcoal fire and forgiving Lord are but a few oar strokes away for his muscled arms. It would have made more sense to stay with the ship; they all would have reached shore eventually. He certainly gained no dignity by his impetuous act. But Peter acts on the small vision he possesses, meets his Master and hears a message meant especially for his aching heart.

Lord, help me act on my Spirit-guided whims instead of staying safely in the boat.  Help me know when you call from the shore, then give me courage to plunge in and swim toward you in spite of the derisive comments of onlookers. Only then will I feel the warmth of your fire and clearly hear your voice.

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