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Thank You – But

Published on April 20, 2009

by Marilyn Ehle

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer�. Psalm 19:14

Christian DevotionalMy husband thanked me this morning for something I had said in an earlier conversation. I’ve no doubt of his sincerity.  I’m confident that he loves and respects me.  His words of thanks brought a glow to my heart…until—with hardly a breath between the words of thanks and the next phrase—he added, “but…�  What followed were not words of spite or disdain, but simply what he considered to be a flaw in my attitude.  The glow evaporated as quickly as a wisp of smoke and although I didn’t verbally respond (I am slowly learning to bridle my tongue!), those “but words� roiled within until I could later totally relinquish them to God and thus regain a sense of peace.

How often do I speak “but words� to my Heavenly Father?   I express gratitude for His great gifts but quickly add, “but couldn’t you do a little more?� Or I say thanks that He has promised to never leave or forsake me, then add, “But I want to feel your presence.�  God will be pleased when both my words and my inner attitude express contentment with his will.

Help me, Lord, to be honest and simple before you so that my words and my attitude express trust in who you are and how you lead.

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