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Choosing the Longest Line

Published on November 9, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits…”  Psalm 130:5

The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion… Blessed are all who wait for Him!” Isaiah 30:18

The young boy was shopping with his mother in a grocery store. With the eyes of an experienced line appraiser and with his hands gripping the shopping cart handle, he was ready to quickly maneuver into a more advantageous position. “Look, Mom! Those customers are moving faster. Let’s get behind them.”

Was he late for a football game or television program? Was an important person waiting outside the store?  I suspect that this young man had just fallen victim to the no-time-to-wait mentality of the adults around him. Waiting is not one of my strengths, and I think it could be accurately said that I am among the majority.

Carlo Corette writes, “This pursuit of impatience easily drifts into my spiritual life. Wait on God? Wait for God? I need an answer now! An even more dangerous thought process proclaims, ‘I need spiritual maturity now.’”

If I am serious about learning the discipline of waiting on God, perhaps I should practice by consistently choosing the longest, slowest-moving line in the bank or store. At the very least, this would reveal how much I have to learn!

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