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A Winning Combination

Published on January 30, 2011

By Marilyn Ehle

David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” Psalm 78:72

In 1953 he borrowed $2,000 from his in-laws to open his own electrical contracting business. Well established area contractors quietly scoffed at this upstart who actually believed he could not only provide for his family but establish a successful company built on Christian principles. They predicted a quick demise to the venture.

He worked hard, often going into the field himself to ensure a job would be well done and completed on time. A trusted employee betrayed him nearly causing financial ruin. His artist/musician wife did the bookkeeping and actually worked with him pulling wire into the wee hours of the night on one job when that particular contract seemed doomed. He talked boldly yet sensitively with suppliers and customers about what it meant to follow Jesus Christ.

Many years after that 1953 date, with the company a strong example of success to all observers, and when the owner decided to liquidate in order to pursue other activities, the scoffers were not only silenced, but many had come to deeply respect this colleague. His skillful work had produced great profit, and he had generously shared those financial resources with many in need. His integrity could not be questioned or doubted. When he died at the age of 83, family, friends and business associates gathered to celebrate a man whose integrity and skill brought blessing to thousands.

Father God, show me where I lack integrity so I may be  known “like David” – as a friend of God. Thank you for the skills with which I have been blessed. May my work always please and honor you.

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