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Finding Relief

Published on September 29, 2024

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  I John 1:8-9

There was a time in my life when I didn’t want to be around Christians. Not because they weren’t kind and good people but because I always felt guilty. I thought real Christians were perfect. I wasn’t. Because I felt like a failure I wanted to avoid being around Christians as much as possible. Also, many Christians I had met seemed to have a lot of rules associated with their faith. It seemed like they kept all the rules but I didn’t!
A critical turning point came when I attended a student conference. A distinguished gray-haired speaker talked about going “sideways” in life. He even indicated that God in his love and grace can and does use our sideways movements to strengthen and mature our relationship with him. I was so relieved to find out that being a Christian was not about being perfect.

I came to understand that all Christians sin. That guilt is normal when you’re guilty. Forgiveness comes from God’s mercy based on Christ’s death on the cross and not on my performance. In the past I would say to God, “If you can forgive me one more time, I will never do this again.” The problem was I would do it again. I learned that confession involved three things: agreeing with God that I had sinned, thanking him for the forgiveness already provided by Christ’s death and embracing the power of God’s Spirit to have future victory over my sin.

Confession has actually become a wonderful celebration of God’s love and forgiveness leading to joyful freedom. I can never be perfect, and I will sin. God understands that reality. That’s why Jesus died for me!

Prayer: Father God, thank you that you provided the complete forgiveness for all my sin; past, present and future through Christ’s death on the cross for me! Your command in this verse for me to confess my sin allows me to celebrate that truth each day. Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Amen.

Going Deeper: Is guilt part of your life? Guilt is a legal term. You’re either guilty or you are not. If you are guilty of sin, confess it to God. Realize if God can forgive you, you should also forgive yourself.

by Mike Woodard
used by permission

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