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Dealing with Wind and Waves

Published on September 23, 2024

“And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Mark 4:41

Have you ever been so afraid that panic set in?

Usually with fear, we have either a fight or flight response, and adrenalin kicks in to help us do whatever we need to do in dangerous situations, but what if you are in a storm, in a boat, and you can’t swim? ‘What do you do???

Of course, some boats have oars or motors, and a flight response would be to “hightail” it out of the storm. Or to see the signs that a storm is coming, and to get to shore before it hits. Even sailboats can use the wind from a storm that is coming to head for shore. This has been my lifelong practice, to see a storm coming, and to get out of its way! But I can’t always outrun the storm, I’ve learned.

The power of wind and waves in my life can destroy my inner sense of calm! I have a choice to try to run from the storm, or to face it, knowing Jesus is in my boat. Who do you think Jesus is when your boat is rocking and you think you may not survive the storm? The disciples wrestled with the question of what to do. They did not feel safe, but Jesus was in the boat with them. They obviously were not sure that Jesus could do anything to help them (besides, he was asleep, seemingly unaware or uncaring about what they were going through).

In the book, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lucy asks Mr. Beaver if Aslan is safe. (We might also ask the question, “Is Jesus safe?”) Can we trust him?

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Who’s in your boat? Will you survive this present storm? Only if you trust in the one true, good king, Jesus, who can speak and the wind dies down, and the waves turn to calm! Do you trust him?

Prayer: Jesus, you have power over storms. I don’t. I need you in my boat! Please show me how to trust you, even if it seems that you are asleep and uncaring, and do not hear my prayers for help. Amen.

Today, when fear or panic starts to overwhelm you, realize that you cannot calm the storm yourself, or escape it; instead call out to Jesus. He will respond, and he has the power to calm the wind and water that threaten to swamp your boat!

by Mike Woodard
used by permission

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