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Calm and Confident

Published on November 28, 2022

John replied, ‘No one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said that I’m not the Christ but that I’m the one sent before him. The groom is the one who is getting married. The friend of the groom stands close by and, when he hears him, is overjoyed at the groom’s voice. Therefore, my joy is now complete. He must increase and I must decrease.” John 3:27-30

I was told I would not be considered for a national leadership role that had opened up in the organization I’d served with for many years. Yet, deep inside, I felt God was asking me to take the role. After some soul searching and checking of my motives, I sent a letter expressing my interest in the position and the conviction that God was motivating my response. I received no immediate reply but after six months I was asked to take the position!

In this process, the words of John the Baptist gave me confidence: “No one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven.” Early in my career, I became convinced that God places people where He wants for His purposes. This has given me a clear sense of who really is in charge. John was sure of who he was and who he was not. He was not the Christ, the Messiah, but he was the friend. Christ was to be honored — that was John’s chief purpose and joy.

Calm and confidence will invade your life when you understand that God is in control, even when the circumstances do not seem to be lining up the way you want. When you intentionally commit to honoring Christ in all circumstances, a profound joy will follow. Are you willing to release control and trust God to be Lord over all? Can you be content to honor Christ and give Him greater reach into your life and circumstances?

Jesus, you are the Messiah and Lord of all things, I am not. I want to trust you today. I give you my cares, desires and concerns. I affirm that no one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven. I trust you have the best plan. By faith, I thank you for what you have planned for me. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Come Alongside – by John Fischer

•  Harsh Judgments Can Kill One’s Spirit

•  Salvation Explained


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