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Embrace the Rain

Published on April 16, 2024

Recently I was on a cross Canada cycling trip with three friends. This was a major undertaking of 54 days and over 7800 km.  We had many days of excellent weather. My mental picture was cycling in the sunshine coast to coast. Maybe it was a little unrealistic. The day came that I was dreading…

We woke up to pouring rain. It was cold, windy and raining. I did not want to leave the warm, dry RV to get on the bike with the prospect that it could rain all day. My fellow cyclist said in unison, “Come on embrace the rain!” I really did not want to embrace the rain, but what could I do? It was raining and I was committed to the team and a cross country ride for charity. I realized the choice was to have a bad attitude or accepted that the rain was part of the journey.

Funny how a willingness to see the rain as part of the experience, part of the journey changed my attitude and my enjoyment of the day and the other days that came with rain.  Life provides opportunities for us to “embrace” the circumstances that come our way.

A scriptural version of “Embrace the Rain” comes from the James:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  James 1:2-4 NIV

Is there anything in the circumstances of your life that you are struggling to embrace? It is not part of the mental picture you have had for your life. Can you embrace that God in his love and wisdom has a plan for the circumstance in the journey you are on?

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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