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A Hope-filled Heart

Published on June 11, 2013

by Max Lucado

Wouldn’t you love to have a hope-filled heart? Wouldn’t you love to see the world through the eyes of Jesus?  Where we see unanswered prayer, Jesus saw answered prayer.  Where we see the absence of God, Jesus saw the plan of God.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:53:  “Surely you know I could ask my Father, and He would give Me more than twelve armies of angels.

Jesus saw His Father’s presence in every problem. Twelve armies of angels were in His sight.  Sure Max, but Jesus was God.  He could see the unseen. He had eyes for heaven and a vision for the supernatural.  I can’t see the way he saw. Not yet maybe, but don’t underestimate God’s power.

He can change the way you look at life!  God never promises to remove us from our struggles.  He does promise, however, to change the way we look at them!

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Max Lucado
From: Just Like Jesus
Used by permission

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