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He Chose Us

Published on September 20, 2009

by Max Lucado

“He chose us in Him before the foundations of the world.�
Ephesians 1:4 (NKJV)

Search the faces of the Cap Haitian orphanage for Carinette…The girl with the long nose and bushy hair and a handful of photos…The photos bear the images of her future family. She’s been adopted.

Her adoptive parents are friends of mine. They brought her pictures, a teddy bear, granola bars, and cookies. Carinette shared the goodies and asked the director to guard her bear, but she keeps the pictures. They remind her of her home-to-be. Within a month, two at the most, she’ll be there. She knows the day is coming….Any day now her father will appear. He came once to claim her. He’ll come again to carry her home. Till then she lives with a heart headed home.

Shouldn’t we all? Our Father paid us a visit too. Have we not been claimed? Adopted?… God searched you out. Before you knew you needed adopting, he’d already filed the papers and selected the wallpaper for your room.

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Max Lucado
From: Come Thirsty
©2000 – 2007
Used by permission
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