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Free to Enter His Presence

Published on April 3, 2010

by Max Lucado

“Then Jesus cried in a loud voice and died.”  The curtain in the Temple was torn into two pieces, from the top to the bottom.” Mark 15:37-38

It’s as if the hands of heaven had been gripping the veil, waiting for this moment. Keep in mind the size of the curtain  sixty feet tall and thirty feet wide. One instant it was whole,
the next it was ripped in two from top to bottom. No delay. No hesitation.

What did the torn curtain mean?  For the Jews it meant no more barrier between them and the Holy of Holies. No more priests to go between them and God.  No more animal sacrifices to atone for their sins.

And for us? What did the torn curtain signify for us?

We are welcome to enter into God’s presence any day, any time. God has removed the barrier that separates us from him. The barrier of sin? Down. He has removed the curtain.

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Max Lucado
From: He Chose the Nails
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