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Choose the Presence of God

Published on November 22, 2017

God repeatedly pledges his presence to his people! To Abram, God said, “Do not be afraid. . .I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward” (Genesis 15:1). God told Joshua, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV). In the ultimate declaration of communion, God called himself Immanuel, which means, God with us. He became flesh. He became sin. He defeated the grave. He is still with us. In the form of his Spirit, he comforts, teaches, and convicts.

Don’t assume God is watching from a distance. Isolation creates a downward cycle of fret. Choose instead to be the person who clutches the presence of God with both hands! We can calmly take our concerns to God because he is as near as our next breath! And because the Lord is near, we can be anxious for nothing!

By Max Lucado
From: Anxious for Nothing

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photo credit: Kevin Dinkel
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