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Three Questions

Published on November 25, 2012

by Max Lucado

I’ve got three questions for you today!
The next time you’re mired in a bad day, check your outlook with these three questions:

1)  What do I feel guilty about?

2)  What am I worried about?

3)  What am I about?

Reflect on your answers with these reminders!

Yesterday – forgiven.

Tomorrow – surrendered.

Today — clarified.

Here’s my proposal.  Consult Jesus!  The Ancient of Days has something to say about our days.  In Colossians 3:2, the Apostle Paul says, “Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground.  Look up, and be alert to what’s going on around Christ–that’s where the action is.”  In Matthew 11:30, Jesus says, “The load I give you to carry is light.”

Jesus’ design for a good day makes sense!  His grace erases guilt. His oversight removes fear.  His direction removes confusion.

Saturate your day in His grace.  Entrust your day to His oversight.  Give the day a chance!

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Max Lucado
From: Great Day Every Day

Used by permission
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