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The Stench

Published on April 25, 2015


As blind Bartimaeus heard feet running hurriedly. The stench of begging was now unbearable to him!

The woman who had the issue of blood heard that a man who could heal, had come to her town which stirred the stench of her sickness to go and see him!

The stench of the sickness of his servant’s daughter caused the Centurion to search and find this man who could heal all manner of sickness and diseases!

What about you? What stench is driving you?

Allow the stench that you are bearing to awaken your faith to do something that you have never done before!

Bartimaeus threw off his begging garment, the woman who had the issue of blood she risked her life by going to get her healing! The Centurion made the long journey to seek out and find the man named Jesus!

What about you? Only you know what you are going through! But, are you willing to do something about your situation and as the stench becomes more unbearable do something? Take a leap of faith today and you will receive your breakthrough of the greatest miracle of your life!

Get this, the enemy meant the stench for evil, but God is using it to bring Glory and Honor to His name!

By Margaret Mullings

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