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Published on January 21, 2015

God strengthens His children for the journey.

You may be going through, what feels like a fiery
trial at this very moment.

Suddenly an over whelming situation is added
and you feel as though tomorrow will never come.
At that very moment this assurance comes to mind,
that even though you do not know what tomorrow
may bring nor what the future holds, it is such a comfort
in knowing that Jesus is walking beside you, and He knows
what lies ahead.

His presence is with you, and you are covered in the blood
of Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow arrives, and you are still here. You still feel pain
and experience many setbacks. But as the tears roll down
you cheeks, know that even though you may never understand
why you are going through what you are experiencing,
the calm assurance comes to mind that, He who holds
your hand, is the one who holds tomorrow, and He will
take care of you.

You then begin reading the word. Tomorrow you are meditating
on that word, praying looking forward to tomorrow, each tomorrow is
getting brighter.

You are learning that God your Abba Father is in control
of not one, but over every circumstance and situation
that concerns you.

Further you learn that God has plans for your life, to bless
and to prosper you.

Trust God today to take care of your tomorrow!!!

Today’s Scripture: Matthew 6:34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

By Margaret Mullings
Margaret C Mullings: Author of “Seeds Of Hope

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