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As You Stand on the Bank

Published on September 3, 2022

As you stand on the bank of your Red Sea.
AS you feel the pain of rejection ripping
You through and through.

As you feel the grief of sorrow.
As you are about to give up….
Suddenly a likeness of Jesus
Appears of Him in the garden
Of Gethsemane…as He almost
Gave up…yet He surrendered
All of Himself to His Father’s
Will, and suffered beyond all
Human suffering.

Yes then He so lovingly says
To you and to me……..
I have overcome the world,
And so can you
. ” John 16:33

As you face impossible situations,
Be comforted in this fact…Jesus
Who lives and reigns on the throne
Of your heart, is contending with
Those who are contending with you.
It is He who is carrying you safely
Through….bringing you………out

As you read these words may
Renewed strength and grace
Be yours!

by Margaret Mullings
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained