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When the Sparkle Goes

Published on March 11, 2020

While situated temporarily in a house that boasted three bathrooms, it seems so effortless and such sheer joy to keep the sinks sparkling after the rough cement slab we had used in Japan.  I could not imagine that such a task could ever become drudgery!

But now this was another day!  A surplus of sinks and bathtubs was not the source of my satisfaction. It’s just that now beautiful sinks are so commonplace!

Really, when one stops to think about it, this is much the story of life in general in this materialistic world of ours.  It makes little difference whether it is a new hat, a new car, a new house, or a new position.  In and of itself, the newness soon loses its sparkle and its attraction, and the object may in time become “old fashioned.”

Scripture reminds us that it is also possible to lose our “first love” for the Lord.  In fact, it is more than possible—it’s inevitable—unless one is careful to keep looking to God and His Word rather than to embrace the ceaseless changes that swirl around us.

“Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can you except you abide in me” John 15:4

Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same.  All may change but Jesus never!  Glory to His name.”

by Muriel Hanson
Used by Permission

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Muriel HansonSalt and Honey, Wine Press Publishing

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