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Imitation: (Lessons from a Two Year Old)

Published on July 2, 2010

by Mike Woodard

I was lying on the floor looking at a newspaper. My grandson, beaming with an irresistible smile, came over and laid next to me.  He said nothing but looked up at me and then at the news paper, up at me a second time and at the newspaper.

In perfect imitation, he put his little finger to his lips and then to the corner of the department store ads as he began flipping the pages as I had been doing with the newspaper. I was tickled with his imitation but also with the pure joy he seemed to have in the process. He can’t read and was not really interested in the ads but was interested in doing what I was doing. Wow, was that fun to see. I will never read the Ephesians 5:1 again without this image coming to mind…

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children…” Just before this command Paul says, “Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.Ephesians 4:32

What does it mean to imitate God? First of all, it means taking the time “to lie next to God” and “observe HimDaniel 11:32 says, “the people who know their God display strength and take action.” This word “know” means more than just observation, though.  It carries the idea of intimacy and closeness, as a man “knows” a woman.

We get to know God in at least two ways. First, we have his Word. Some would say we only know about God from the study of His Word. That can be true if we stop there. The second step is action. True knowledge of God means being intimately aware and involved in the principles we see in God’s word and by faith taking action that mimics God’s action toward us.

My grandson may not have understood why I was doing what I was doing but he did want to imitate me. Sometimes we may not really understand why we should do what God has said but in doing it we do begin to understand as we experience God’s faithfulness, wisdom and love.

Today and each day spend some time with God in his Word. Then think about how to joyfully imitate God/Jesus in your world. I’m sure God will be pleased…

Someone has sad, “Imitation is the best compliment.”

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