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Lesson from a Lost Child

Published on March 26, 2010

by Mike Woodard

Years ago I was driving home and saw a small boy riding a tricycle on a busy street. He looked about three years old. There did not seem to be an adult in sight. I quickly pulled over. I approached him and asked his name. His name was Daniel. He was not afraid of me or cars!

Daniel, tricycles were made to be on sidewalks. Roads are for cars.” He seemed to agree with my logic, so he allowed me to quickly help him and his tricycle onto the side walk.

Once safely on the sidewalk, I asked, “Daniel where do you live?” Of course, a three year old does not know his address or phone number!  All I could get out of him was,  “This way.”  This was long before cell phones, and I did not want to leave him alone so we walked.

Daniel had nice clothes and looked as if someone definitely taken good care of him. I was sure someone loved this little guy and would be looking for him soon.

It must have been 15-20 minutes before a frantic searcher arrived on the scene. They were relieved and thankful. Daniel went blissfully home. The little adventurer had no idea of the danger in which he had put himself.

Daniel was in danger because three year olds are not supposed to be doing life on their own!! As humbling as it might sound, ‘m convinced that, in a way, we are all like Daniel. We were never intended to go through life on our own. God loves us and seeks to guide us through the dangers of life.

Besides needing someone to keep us safe from physical danger, we have a spiritual core that will never be satisfied by earthly things. Blaise Pascal the French physicist and mathematician once said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”

King David of old understood this truth when he stated:

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”  Psalms 63:1

Are you doing life without God? Are you feeling the God shaped vacuum and needing someone to come alongside you, to get you off the street and back onto the sidewalk where your needs can be safely met?

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