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Most Important Job

Published on February 12, 2016

devotional on loveMy seven year old grandson asked me, “Papa, what is your most important job?” Well, I thought that’s easy, “It’s being your Papa!” His response was so simple and yet profound. He said with a bit of, you should really know this answer, in his voice… “No, Papa it’s to love everyone.” His answer has stuck with me. For some reason it has etched itself in my mind. Over and over I think… My most important job is to love everyone. Everyone includes even those people who I really do not want to love.

God agrees with my grandson! I know, maybe it’s the other way around. The Apostle John said, “For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.” 1 John 3:11 (NIV) It’s clear that from the beginning, God’s most important job has not changed.

God also makes it clear that our ability to love is sourced in him. God is the source of love. “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:7-8 (NIV) Experiencing his love and forgiveness on a personal level makes us able to love and forgive ourselves and  others.  Because God is perfect in his love he can give us the ability to love beyond our human limitation, to love with his kind of love, a perfect, selfless and unconditional love.

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. We often think about romantic love but how about making the effort to expand the circle, fulfill your most important job… love everyone. The beginning might be to experience God’s love and forgiveness personally. This prayer might help you express your desire…

God I want to personally experience your love and forgiveness. I know I have lived independently of you. I want to invite you to come into my life to be the one who guides me and gives me eternal life. Thank you sending Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you that I can trust you to direct me and to give me the strength to be the kind of person you want me to be. Amen

If you prayed this to express your desire to God, he has heard you prayer. You can be confident that he has responded to your faith and you can be confident that:

1.       God’s Spirit now lives inside you                 Revelations 3:20
2.       Your sins are forgiven                                   Colossians 1:13-14
3.       You are a child of God                                   John 1:12
4.       You received eternal life                              I John 5:11-13
5.       You will begin to experience God’s love and forgiveness in your life and relationshi

Here’s my story of how faith in God has changed my life and relationships.

By Mike Woodard

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