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Published on April 19, 2016

devotional on hope

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalms 27:13-14, NASB

In a Behavioral Psychology class years ago, I remember hearing about an experiment with rats. The rats were put in a tub where they swam till they were close to drowning and then removed. A short time later they were placed in the tub again. Their survival time increased significantly. Why? It was the hope that they would once again be rescued. Hope is a powerful motivator, even for rats.

In the dark moments of my soul when I feel like I’m going down for the count, I identify with the Psalmist in his despair. A shadowy gloom can lead me to hidden recesses of blackness if left unchecked. But this hopelessness can be replaced by anticipation that there is a good God who will act!

This God who is good also has all power, knows every detail of my life, and loves me with a perfect unconditional love. This confidence in God allows me to lift my head to face the overwhelming dark moments with incredible hope.

Our hope as Christ-followers is not an optimism that the circumstances will necessarily change, but rather a conviction that God will give us the needed resources to walk forward. With this realization, the darkness fades and our hearts take courage in the hope of God’s love and presence.

Dear Father, Thank You for Your goodness, love, presence, and power that brings hope to the despairing and courage to the fearful. I will wait for you. Amen

Read Isaiah 40 and reflect on the character of God.

By Mike Woodard

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