April 8, 2022
Grace Delivered Us from Fear
The same one who saved us first is there to save us still. Such is the message of grace.
Read more..The same one who saved us first is there to save us still. Such is the message of grace.
Read more..I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection. Intellectual doors because I’m unsure what deep study will uncover. Spiritual doors because I wonder if giving my all will truly mean giving my all.
Read more..Every single moment, whether awake or asleep, we all live under the canopy of the Lord's wondrous, absolute love for us.
Read more..We need to let go of the idea that we must be in control of our lives. God's control over us is enough. We can walk in His peace.
Read more..God has given you great gifts of inner peace, joy of living, sense of well-being, solidness and strength inside, and healing. Share your life in encouragement, hope, and trust. When you are secure, your presence is a joy to those who know you.
Read more..You and I need to pay careful attention with the words we use. The tongue can create life or death. Our words can grow fruit on trees or wither healthy roots.
Read more..How important is our speech? Jesus said it revealed what was going on in our hearts.
Read more..Extravagant over-reaction! That's what we're programmed to seek and to display in our modern world of sound bytes and over-hyped personality.
Read more..Thought: As you go through your day today be reminded that you are sending out ripples. You have no idea how far they can go.
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