February 11, 2022
Hope in the Lord
Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and will not be faint"
Read more..Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and will not be faint"
Read more..How many friends do you have? And I don’t mean the people you connect with on social media—I’m talking about the few who really know you and stick with you through thick and thin. Such mutual friendships are rare today.
Read more..How do I embrace a gentle spirit when I have been hurt and/or deceived? There is only one way. Open myself to Christ and ask Him to develop a gentle, discerning spirit within me.
Read more..Friend, God wants an intimate relationship with Bobbi! He wants the same with you. Instead of a structured activity, make prayer a meaningful conversation. Talk to Him as a best friend, share concerns, allow time for Him to speak to you through His word.
Read more..God runs when he sees the son coming home from the pig trough. When the addict steps out of the alley. When the teen walks away from the party.
Read more..In our limited vision, we think we know best, and God is just trying to hold us back from having fun and enjoying life.
Read more..Why is it we seem so willing to bear our own burdens, live outside the borders of peace, and shoulder unnecessary pain when God stands with arms outstretched to relieve us of all?
Read more..When I face grievous troubles, I too will look to the rock, Christ Jesus, and claim His wonderful promises for comfort and strength.
Read more.."Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8
Read more..God will never run out of goodness. Everything He made (and makes) is good. Father, thank You for being totally good, that there is no shadow of evil in You! Your goodness is everywhere. Help us become aware of Your goodness and be amazed. Amen.
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