November 10, 2021
Do You Want Change?
When you seek the things eternal and set your mind on the things that are above you will be less stressed. Less anxious. Less swayed by emotional ups and downs. Calmer, more at peace, and joyful.
Read more..When you seek the things eternal and set your mind on the things that are above you will be less stressed. Less anxious. Less swayed by emotional ups and downs. Calmer, more at peace, and joyful.
Read more..Our moods may shift, but God’s doesn’t. Our minds may change, but God’s doesn’t.
Read more..If you would like to put into practice the preciousness of God’s promises, and enjoy them personally, meditate on them. God’s promises are like grapes in a wine-press:
Read more..Who Is A God Like Ours? Who is a God like me, says the Lord.
Read more..When I look at these words of Jesus, I feel overwhelmed. How do I possibly reach everyone in the world?
Read more..“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
Read more..Focus...Not on the winds of opposition, but on the setting of the sail; Not on the howling of the storm, but on the voice of the Captain; But On...
Read more..Do you know someone who is hurting today? Do you know someone who is celebrating? What is one thing you can do to stand with them?
Read more..Some are called to serve and some to support. What is your mission?
Read more..God's presence may be quiet, but he'll show up. And he'll listen.
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