August 18, 2020
Encouragement in Believing
God’s Word alerts us that in difficult times our hearts can go astray.
Read more..God’s Word alerts us that in difficult times our hearts can go astray.
Read more..A gentle spirit is something we cannot produce in ourselves. But the Holy Spirit produces “love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness” and much more. Why not ask the Holy Spirit to be in control of your life from now on?
Read more.."Lord God our Father, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all for Your glory. Help us as we try not to cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God and help us try to please everyone in every way. For we are not seeking our own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. In Jesus name amen."
Read more..The dark can be a scary place. I have never felt comfortable in the darkness. My imagination runs to places I’d never think of if I was in a lit room.
Read more..Just as a shepherd goes after his lost sheep, the Lord will continue to pursue us because He loves us.
Read more..As my mind was being renewed, my values and standards began to line up with God’s will.
Read more..O Righteous Father and Holy God, forgive me for being selfish with the funds you have so richly shared with me. I want to give my heart and my life to you fully, not holding back anything from your will, and I ask you to help me know how to best use the blessings you have entrusted to me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Read more..Sanctified, blameless. Those words have always seemed unreachable to me. I believe in and depend on the finished work of Jesus for the salvation of my soul. His grace covers me, of that I’m certain. But blameless?
Read more..Heavenly Father, I desire to serve and honor you with my life. Grant me the heart of a dedicated disciple when encountering other believers who are in need of guidance. It is in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Read more.."If you have lost the joy of the Lord in your life," someone once observed, "who moved, you or God? For in His presence is fullness of joy."
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