November 1, 2019
Be Teachable
We are truly fortunate to have a Father that disciplines and instructs us. It is our job to be teachable and make sure we are paying attention.
Read more..We are truly fortunate to have a Father that disciplines and instructs us. It is our job to be teachable and make sure we are paying attention.
Read more..When touched by the finger of God, a tender heart yields to the pressure and assumes the form He desires, much like a lump of clay that allows the potter to determine the shape of the vessel.
Read more..If we base our self-worth on a sad experience which happened in the past such as: I’m a divorcee; I’ve had cancer, I’ve suffered abuse…This leads to defeated thinking like I’m damaged goods, this is who I am; I can’t change it.
Read more..Thank you, Lord God, for having mercy on me and saving me. May your Holy Spirit make me bold in telling everyone what you have done for me. Amen.
Read more..Question: How can you seek to grow spiritually in the next week, month, and year?
Read more..“Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against
Read more..To become more mature in your faith, spend more time in His Word and look out … you will see the tempter coming. Armed with the Word, you will have the strongest armor to fight back.
Read more..I needed to confess. What is confession? Well confession is not complaining. If I merely recite my problems and rehash my woes, I’m whining. Confession is a radical reliance upon grace.
Read more..God is bigger than I will ever understand. Greater than I can ever imagine and more powerful than a locomotive! He’s my true Superhero! So what is keeping me from praying Superhero prayers?
Read more..“We have spoken freely to you, …our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.” 2 Corinthians 6:11
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