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May 7, 2019

He is Waiting in the Midst of the Storm

Peter knows he is in trouble. The winds roar down onto the Sea of Galilee

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May 6, 2019

God Never Gives Up

God’s people often forget their God, but God never forgets them.  When Joseph was dropped

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May 6, 2019

God is Faithful

“Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.

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May 5, 2019


I believe the reason some people burn out and leave full-time ministry is simply because they are not taking enough time to relax and enjoy the Lord.

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May 5, 2019

God’s Joy and Peace

Prayer: Great and Mighty God, bless me with greater trust that you are nearby and long to help. Dear Father, bless and empower me to be the person you want me to be.

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May 4, 2019

Run To Jesus

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and

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May 3, 2019

Heart and Breath

I may sound like a broken record in saying this. I state this often because

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May 1, 2019

Life’s Painful Experiences

At a moment's glance, the warm and welcomingpresence of your Abba Father surrounds you,bringing comfort and strength to you.Enlightening you with the understandingthat every painful experience, everydisappointment are really tools to sharpenand refine you.

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May 1, 2019

It’s All about Forgiveness

It opened in theaters recently and my wife and I attended the second night. The movie is October Baby, a story about a college girl who learns she was the product of a failed abortion and goes in search of her birth-mother and her life.

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April 30, 2019

God’s Love Fills Me

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the

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