March 22, 2019
Victory over Worry
How much we worry and how many of our worries are unfounded? Unhealthy worrying can
Read more..How much we worry and how many of our worries are unfounded? Unhealthy worrying can
Read more..“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will
Read more..“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with
Read more..“Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord God of
Read more..Today’s Action Point: With the certainty that God will never, never fail me nor forsake me, I will seek to find fulfillment and meaning in my life in Christ and not in materialism. I will encourage others to do the same today.
Read more..When we answer a call to faith and step out and make a move to demonstrate our faith, then God shows up. And when He moves, He does the supernatural.
Read more..Dear God, let me never back away from your mercy and grace. Let me be ready to confess my sins so I can once again enjoy your presence and receive your blessings. I desperately need you in my life. Amen.
Read more..“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever —
Read more..Prayer: O Sovereign God, help me discern today what my life is intended to fulfill in your plan. Thank you for loving me and promising to walk beside me every step of my life
Read more..Man has had a curious fascination with evil from the beginning. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve had a full knowledge of goodness because they had a very close relationship with the all-good God. Goodness was written on their hearts and they had never sinned.
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