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June 17, 2017

Passing Through Darkness

In my family's dark season, we began to focus on the clarity of God’s call.

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June 17, 2017

It Is Not The End!

“As your days, so shall your strength be.” Deuteronomy. 33:25 We all go through periods

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June 16, 2017

It’s All about Control

Father, it is my prayer that You will infuse those that are struggling in this area with inner strength. Your Word declares that You are a perfect help in the time of trouble. May they find the grace needed to keep it together when they want to lash out or act unseemly. May they find the grace needed to maintain their peace in the midst of turmoil. Heal the root issues that keep bringing them back to this response. Open the eyes of their understanding today, In Jesus name Amen.

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June 14, 2017

But How Does it End?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I long for the perfect ending, but I’m so often distracted from the joy you have for me. Then I lose heart. May I humbly ask You to help me turn my attention to the joy ahead which you have prepared and planned for me. Amen.

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June 11, 2017

A Father’s Discipline

“As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own

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June 11, 2017

God’s Discipline

Who loves his child more—the father who allows the child to do what will harm him, or the one who corrects, trains, and even punishes the child to help him learn what is right?  Discipline may feel like punishment, but let us remember God’s discipline is a sign of his deep love for us.

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June 10, 2017

God’s Strength in Your Weakness

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2

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June 8, 2017

How to Find Your Life

“For anyone who keeps his life for himself shall lose it; and anyone who loses

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June 6, 2017

Our True Identity

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us

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June 5, 2017

Confronting the Crucible of Choice

“’Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?’ . . . Jesus

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