December 19, 2023
The wonderful time of Advent is upon us. Unfortunately, it is also a time of busyness when we rush around madly trying to find just the right present for a family member or friend.
Read more..The wonderful time of Advent is upon us. Unfortunately, it is also a time of busyness when we rush around madly trying to find just the right present for a family member or friend.
Read more..The season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, somewhere between November 27 and December 3, depending on the year. Advent is the period leading up to Christmas, which...
Read more..Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room. You have prepared your gift list. You have begun preparing your house for the holidays. Take time to prepare your heart.
Read more..Prayer: O God, give me a holy passion to know your truth and live it in both word and deed. Make my life a reflection of your Word, who both proclaimed and lived your truth. In him I pray. Amen.'
Read more..There is no condemnation for those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. The believer's penalty for sin is paid, and he can stand blameless before God.
Read more..During the months of his wife’s pregnancy, Zechariah’s prayers were silent ones. He could only commune with his Heavenly Father in the stillness of his heart, but I believe his long years of faithful service—even when he couldn’t hear God speaking or see God working—provided strength during those silent months.
Read more..“Grandma, I want a lady pen.” “A lady pen?” I asked. “What is a lady pen? Show me.”
Read more..God in us! Have we sounded the depth of this promise? With God in you, you have a million resources you didn’t have before. Can’t stop worrying? Christ can. And he lives within you. Can’t forget the past, forgive the jerk, or forsake your bad habits? Christ can! And he lives in you.
Read more..The goal of our walk with Jesus is to come to know him as our shepherd just as intimately as he knows the Father.
Read more..Christmas is coming! There are loved ones to see, gifts to give, baking to share. We prepare our homes for the celebration.
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