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Living One Day at a Time

Published on March 15, 2025

I read in a Men’s Devotional as to how we might react if our bank credits $86,400 to our account every day; the catch being that the money has to be used up the same day. If not, it’s taken away. The process is then renewed the next day and every other day with $86,400 being credited to our account daily. I’m sure most people would have no hesitation in using the money every day! Similarly, God blesses us with 86,400 seconds credited every day! Let us therefore use that time wisely and place each day in His hands.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:34

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”.

Yes, each day has troubles of its own, but in Psalm 68:19,

God is revealed as the Lord “Who daily bears our burdens” and Jesus, in the Lord’s Prayer, taught us to pray “Give us TODAY our DAILY bread” (Matthew 6:11).

What troubles are you facing today? What are you worrying about? A quick read through of Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus speaks against worry, will act as a powerful faith booster and a stress-buster! A quote I read says, “Do not let the worries of tomorrow, affect your relationship with God today”.

Let’s place each day in God’s hands!

A highly successful country songwriter by the name of Marijohn Wilkin drifted away from her faith after finding success. At a time of crisis and personal desperation, as the story goes, she stopped at a church for some counseling and prayer. The young Minister who was on duty had apparently asked her during the conversation, whether she had ever considered being thankful to God for her problems. As she went home and pondered over that statement, she began to play her piano and the words of a song came to her. Needing some help to complete the lyrics that she had written down, she approached Kris Kristofferson (of Why Me Lord fame) who helped her with some of the remaining words. The completed song goes like this.

I’m only human, I’m just a woman
Help me believe in what I could be, and all that I am
Show me the stairway, I have to climb
Lord for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time.
One day at a time sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking from you
(Stories Behind 50 Southern Gospel Favorites)

Let’s learn to live “one day at a time”, completely trusting our Lord Jesus Christ!

PrayerLord, help me to spend quality time in Your presence today and to trust you in every challenge.  Help me also to spend quality time with my spouse and children. May I make at least one person happy today and not put off giving a compliment or a helping hand to someone. Help me also to pray for lost souls daily. Thank you, Jesus. Amen!

By Palitha Jayasooriya
used by permission

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